Mustard Seed Ministries

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* Pastor Francis O.Okida

Munias Town, Kenya

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus.I was very happy to hear from you once again. I write to thank you from the very bottom of my heart, for your gift of Swahili Bibles, which I received safely, by the grace of God. Truly, no words could express our sincere thanks and gratitude for your wonderful gift of the swahili Bibles.

 We simply praise and thank God for answering our prayers, in supplying to you with these funds to buy Swahili Bibles for these poor people who could not afford, and we pray together earnestly for the Lord Jesus to shower his abundant blessings on you and your blessed ministry now and always, for what you have done for those former Muslims Youth who got saved just two months ago.They are now busy reading those bibles.


*REGINA   A .  ODONGO ( Mrs.)
  K I T A L E, K  E  N  Y  A

It gives me great pleasure and Joy to write and thank
you for how the Lord used you in donating 50 copies of Swahili Bibles to
These female inmates  here in Kitale town prison.This is  wonderful .In fact, We
'cannot say earnestly enough how we felt when we got those Swahili Bibles Just
just before Christmas.After Reading in these Bibles They sometimes
feel as if it were sent directly from God.It is wonderful to have such
Bibles at this end time



Dear Bob,

I thank God and the Lord Jesus Christ for your care and your ministry. I would like to let you know that I finally received the package of Swahili Bibles from Nairobi. May God multiply you and all the material you sent to me to do the will of God that the Lord has put in your hands, praise God and may God Keep multiplying this great work to evangelize the world. Keep sending us more literature as funds permit brother Bob. It will be used to win many souls.


Yours in His Holy, Wonderful, eternal Name,



* Pastor Francis O.Okida

Munias Town, Kenya

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus.I was very happy to hear from you once again. I write to thank you from the very bottom of my heart, for your gift of Swahili Bibles, which I received safely, by the grace of God. Truly, no words could express our sincere thanks and gratitude for your wonderful gift of the swahili Bibles.

 We simply praise and thank God for answering our prayers, in supplying to you with these funds to buy Swahili Bibles for these poor people who could not afford, and we pray together earnestly for the Lord Jesus to shower his abundant blessings on you and your blessed ministry now and always, for what you have done for those former Muslims Youth who got saved just two months ago.They are now busy reading those bibles.