1. When a devotional is sent to the database the author gets an automatic reply [see reply #1


2. In data base, click show to see the devotional.

a. Click edit at the bottom of the page and make any minor changes to the devotional. Send a reply     [see reply #2 below] to the author.

b.  If only minor changes are needed, click the edited box at the bottom of the page and then click submit.  To to the main devotional page and it should say true under the edited column.

c. If the devotional needs major changes send an email to the author with a general idea of what

needs to be done and have them resubmit the devotional into the database [like a new one].

3. If the devotional has been approved, send an email to the author [can use reply #2 by copying and pasting it and filling in the authors name, and the name of the devotional]

4. At some point schedule the devotional:

a. Click schedule on the main devotional page.

b. Set the date at the top of the page when the devotional is to be posted.

c. Click schedule box at thee bottom of the page.  This scheduled date should show up on the main page beside this devotional.  Also, it should show up on the "full schedule" page [click full schedule at the bottom of the main page to view schedule].  The author will receive an automatic reply #3.

d When the devotional is published ?????????? [ask Tom]



1. Go to the major editing part of Square Space [ ]. Go to the home page and write down

the last lesson # and the last chapter that was explored. Also, hover on the audio tab at the

top of the page and click exploring the word. Select the new lesson that is to appear on the

home page, click it to go to it and highlight the URL address at the top of the page. Copy this

URL address for the next step below.

2. Go to ________ at the top left and chose architecture. Scroll down the page to exploring the

word box. Let your curser hover over this box and off to the right some options with appear

choose config.

3. Another box will appear on the right side of the screen. In the top line delete the old lesson #

and put in new lesson #. Also, delete the old chapter and replace with the new chapter. Now

highlight the second line and delete the old URL address. Paste the new URL address. Click

__________ and check home page to see if the new lesson is posted correctly.




Dear _______,

We have received your devotional and wish to thank you for taking the time to write it and send it to us!

Your writing has been placed into our approval process. Normally we process devotional within 90 days. You will be contacted if the devotional is scheduled to be published or if it will need to be reworked to fit into our devotional requirements.

 If your devotional is scheduled to be published you will receive a website address that will display all the devotional that are scheduled to be published with the tentative scheduled date for each devotional.

If you would like to reach us, use the “contact us” feature on the website. Thank you again for taking the time to write, and May God bless you for your efforts!

Devotional Editor
MustardSeed Ministries




 Thanks for sharing the devotional, ” _____DEVOTIONAL NAME______” with us at Mustard Seed. Your devotional has been selected for publication on our site. It will be scheduled sometime in the future to appear on the website [this may take six months or longer]. When your devotional is schedule you will receive a notification that includes a “link”to a place on our site that shows when your devotional is scheduled to be published. If you have any questions you may email me at the address below. We would also encourage you to continue sending in devotionals if you feel inspired to do so. Congratulations and may God bless you and your devotional as it is read by people throughout the world.







I am happy to inform you that your devotional has been accepted for publication on our website.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with a world-wide audience.
You can go to and see the 
tentative date your devotional will be published. Continue to check this list as the schedule may 
change from time to time.

Congratulations and may God bless you for promoting the Kingdom!

Devotional Editor
MustardSeed Ministries









  1. Author gets an automatic acknowledgement reply [see below] [can we suppress for the devotionals we add initially].
  2. At some point we look the devotional over
    1. IF IT ONLY NEEDS EDITING:  [go to the devotional and press edit]

                                          i.    Make minor editing changes and check edited box at the bottom of the devotional [in the edit mode] if it is acceptable for posting.  It will show up under the edited column on the main devotional page as edited.  To show that the devotional was accepted and not sent back for rework simply schedule it.

                                        ii.    Next the devotional is scheduled.  When scheduled, an automatic reply will be sent to the author notifying them the devotional is accepted and the reply will also contain a website link to a website that shows all the devotionals that are to be posted and the scheduled date of the posting.

  1. IF IT IS SENT BACK FOR REWORKING: [press show on the desired devotional and press “email author” at the bottom of the page]

                                          i.    Put in a subject and type your message to the author in the content window.  Tell them you are going to provide a link in the email that is sent to them that they can click and edit the devotional on our site without sending it back and forth. 

                                        ii.    At the bottom of the page Click the “sent for rework” box and the “add link to edit devotional” box and then push the “submit” button. 

                                       iii.    After the author reworks the devotional and submits it to us, we will receive a message that it has been reworked and we can simply go to the devotional [it is still in the data base – they have been working on it as it resides in the data base] and look it over and if it is acceptable we check the edit box and schedule.  One the edit box is check the author can no longer get to the devotional at our site – the link ceases to work.

                                       iv.    If the devotional is still not acceptable the author will have to work on it at their home and resubmit it as a new devotional [we will rework only once].          



1]  All devotionals sent in are acknowledged by auto reply [A][see below]

            a]  Click edit – if it can be edited by us, make changes and check edit in box at the bottom of the             page.

            b]   At some point schedule the devotional and the author will receive an auto reply [B – see                        below]. 


2] Rework Needed

            a] At the main devotional page click “show”.      

            b]  At bottom of page click “email author” box.

            c]  Fill in the title and the message you are sending the author [can use our generic message]             about reworking and the link they will need to click to edit the devotional on our site.

            d] At the bottom of the page check the boxes “add link to edit” and “sent for rework” and than             click “submit”.

            e] When the author has completed their changes they can submit it back to us and we will             receive a message in the gmail account saying it is ready.  All we do is go into the data base as             normal and click show on the reworked devotional.  If it still isn’t satisfactory we will email them             and ask them to make further changes and enter as a new devotional.



1]  On the main devotional page click “new devotional (suppressing email)” – takes to data entry page and doesn’t send out an acknowledgement email.

2]  Enter all data and press “submit”

3] Press “show” and then “edit” – go to the bottom of this page and put in the “sent on” date press “submit”.

4] Editing      

            a]  Click edit – if it can be edited by us, make changes and check edit in box at the bottom of the             page.

            b]   At some point schedule the devotional and the author will receive an auto reply [B – see                        below]. 



1]  Click “schedule” on the main devotional page.

2] Put in the date the devotional will be posted and click “schedule”.

3] An automatic reply will be sent [reply B] notifying them the devotional is accepted and give them link that will show them the name and date all devotionals to be posted.

4]  The devotional is posted to the blog and must be modified to show up in the devotional section [click modify – unformat – add category – add tag]




POSTING SCHEDULE – this can be viewed by clicking the link “full schedule“ link at the bottom of the main devotional page.

Auto Reply [A] – this can be overwritten [no message sent] by clicking the link “new devotional (suppressing email)” and then entering the devotional manually.


Dear _______,

We have received your devotional and wish to thank you for taking the time to write it and send it to us!

Your writing has been placed into our approval process.  Normally we process devotionals within 90 days.  You will be contacted if the devotional is scheduled to be published or if it will need to be reworked to fit into our devotional requirements.


If your devotional is scheduled to be published you will receive a website address that will display all the devotionals that are scheduled to be published with the tentative scheduled date for each devotional. 

If you would like to reach us, use the “contact us” feature on the website.  Thank you again for taking the time to write, and May God bless you for your efforts!

Devotional Editor
MustardSeed Ministries


Auto Reply [B]

Dear _______,
I am happy to inform you that your devotional has been accepted for publication on our website. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with a world-wide audience. You can go to ___________ and see the tentative date your devotional will be published.  Continue to check this list as the schedule may change from time to time.


If you have not received a plaque to date, and if you have provided us with an address, after publication you will receive a MustardSeed appreciation plaque from us within 90 days.
Congratulations and may God bless you for promoting the Kingdom!

Devotional Editor
MustardSeed Ministries



The author info is entered new [for this specific devotional] each time a devotional is entered.

If we want to change any automatic reply we are to contact Vince and he will change it.

The posting schedule list link is -

Default email is

